There's no other city like NYC...
Yes, this city is expensive, but people are here suffering though it because it's NYC, its that simple. This is one of the greatest cities in the world, to some-the very best, but there's nothing like it, so yeah, it might cost more to go and see a movie or order a cocktail or even a beer for that matter, but the real reward is that your living in NYC and some how your making it happen. It's the land of dreams and opportunities and an amazing city to live in, even if it's only for a couple of months, one year, or 15, it's the experience of being and living in a city filled with so much energy and life that makes everything worth it, even the fifteen dollar hamburger, but we solved that problem because now you know where the cheap eats are and what to do on the weekends when you don't want to empty your bank account, so live to the fullest that you possibly can in this city and enjoy the magic that it brings!!!! There is nothing else like it!
So go, don't be afraid to spend some $$$$ in this city because now you know how to spend it wisely!! Love NYC and it will love YOU!!
Have fun and enjoy!$!$!$
Does NYC have it's own Currency!?
Our dollar looks the same as the better-known U.S. version, but it doesn’t go nearly as far here as anywhere else. How much is the NYC dollar really worth? Based on a few scientific calculations, a NYC dollar would lag somewhere behind a Canadian buck. Here’s why:
Check out what Daniel Gross with Amos Barshad & Wesley Wade had to say in their NY Mag article.....It's some pretty crazy stuff...
An annual study by the city of Washington, D.C., compares tax burdens in large cities. A hypothetical family of four living on $150,000 in New York would pay the nation’s highest combination of sales, auto, income, and property taxes: about $22,635, or 15.1 percent of income. By comparison, the national median is $14,219, or 9.5 percent. That’s another $8,416 extra per year here, or another 5.6 cents. Our dollar is down to 80.4 cents.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics says overall prices here are 9.9 percent higher than the rest of the country. Remove the premium New Yorkers pay for housing and the currency is debased another 4.4 cents, to 76 cents.
Less quantifiable is the price of status, which tends to matter more in New York than elsewhere. You might be the best-dressed guy at a Minneapolis cocktail party rocking a Hugo Boss suit ($695) from Macy’s, but it might take a Thom Browne suit from Barneys ($4,330) to do the trick here. While these costs are difficult to measure, it is possible to calculate the added price of living in a city with the best of everything. Yes, we have better art, food, and entertainment, but you’ll pay a premium for access to it. Here, a side-by-side look at lifestyle purchases in Minneapolis—a city with a statistically average cost of living yet some semblance of a cultural life—and New York:
Check out this chart....
Baseball tickets
Twins premium seats . . . . . $24
Yankee loge box seats . . . . . $50
Museum admission
Walker Art Center . . . . . . . . . $8
MoMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20
Movie ticket
The Prestige, St. Anthony Main Theater . . $8
The Science of Sleep, BAM . . $10
Prix fixe dinner at top restaurant
La Belle Vie . . . . . $80 a person
Per Se. . . . . . . . . . $210 a person
Annual gym membership
Minneapolis Life Time Athletic Club . . $1,439.40
Equinox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,895
Marathon entry fees
Minneapolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85
New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $116
Bottom line? On average, these life-enhancing amenities cost 85 percent more here than in Minneapolis. If we assume that the average American deploys 8 percent of total income on such indulgences, a New Yorker will spend 14.8 cents of every dollar on them. Now we’re down to 61.2 cents.
New York is a high-wage town, up and down the income scale. Mercer Human Resource Consulting notes that a job that pays $30,000 on a national median will pay $36,720 in New York, compared with $27,840 in Birmingham, Alabama. According to The American Lawyer, a first-year associate at Manhattan’s Cravath, Swaine & Moore can expect to make $145,000, while those at Dorsey & Whitney in Minneapolis can expect just $105,000, 28 percent less. Assuming the wage premium in New York is a generous 15 percent, you add back 15 cents. Now the New York dollar is worth 76.2 cents.
These cold calculations omit some other important factors, like ambition. Here in Gotham, a junior banker can aspire to a partnership at Goldman Sachs; a first-year associate lawyer to a partnership at Cravath; a waitressing actress to Broadway. Any of these dreams, if realized, will bring outsize psychic and financial rewards that simply aren’t available in Minneapolis.
And then there are the intangibles. What price do you place on jogging around the reservoir in Central Park? On the Union Square Greenmarket? On home delivery of Vietnamese food? If the value of a dollar were the only consideration, the vast majority of New Yorkers would be better off in Saginaw, Michigan; Portsmouth, Ohio; and Rock Island, Illinois—cities with the most salubrious combination of low costs and comparatively high wages, according to Salary.com. In that survey, New York ranks dead last. But how many college graduates are moving to Rock Island this year?
It's a great artcile and it hits right on the $$$$ I thought it would be a good article to share. I hope you all find it enjoyable and somewhat entertaining!

Fun Outdoor Activities to do in NYC
New York City Greenmarkets
Yes, in New York City there are actual farmers markets, complete with farm fresh produce, flowers, meats and more, which are all available for sale at Greenmarkets. These FAB markets are scattered throughout the city, but one of the most popular market is located in Union Square and it is a must to put on your list!
Bryant Park 2003 Film Screenings
Every Monday night during the summer, you can see great films for free in Bryant Park. Okay, so the summer might seem far off right now, but it will be here before you know it and how amazing is this? Click the link to check out the schedule!
Outdoor Summer Concerts
From Bryant Park and Lincoln Center to Prospect and Central Parks, there are musical performances (many outdoors and many free!!!!!) throughout the summer (don't worry it will be here before you know it.) Find a listing of ongoing performances by clicking the link and to see which concerts are FREE...now that is music to my ears!
Coney Island
This is a must! Even if your not into eating a famous Nathan's hotdog and going on a roller coaster ride, it's super fun to just walk around and take in all of the sights and people! It's a fun place to spend the day and it doesn't involve a lot of $$$$$ also, check out the Mermaid Parade for some summer thrills by clicking the link!
This should get you started...I will return with more ideas and suggestions! Hopefully this Spring and Summer talk will bring the warm weather quicker!
Enjoy and keep budgeting your $$$$