
Is Chinatown the one and only place left that has not been touched by NYC's MONEY!?

Okay, I'm sure we are all familiar with Chinatown and the fishy scents that seep out of the streets, but for a long time, Chinatown has some how remained untouched by the city's overpowering wealth. Chinatown has remained distant from the overpowering hipness that NYC has to offer. It has always been known as being cheap or to put it nicely, less expensive than the rest of the city. It is a place to escape from the madness of the rest of this super expensive city. It offered a sense of mystery and a feeling of being real. To the people who lived in Chinatown and the others who visited it, it acted like a vacation away from the rest of the city. It was like you could be in NYC, but in a different country!

Chinatown didn't surrender like most of the other NYC neighborhoods have. Changing their environment into sleek five-star restaurants, trendy nightclubs, or into fancy doorman apartments. Chinatown was and hopefully still will be the place where you could get dinner for under $5 and although it might be shady, a message for $35 and a haircut for $8. The average person in Chinatown makes $20K. Now, the apartments in Chinatown are of course not cheap, but they are not as much as an apartment in the hip and trendy Soho neighborhood. I even know someone who rides their bike to Chinatown once a week to buy their fruits, vegetables, and meats just because the prices are so cheap compared to other grocer prices throughout the rest of the city.

The question is, will this last, there is already talk that Chinatown might be the final and last spot to be swooped up by the city's money. But, I don't want to see Chinatown turn into something that is clean and pretty. I don't want to see trendy restaurants overpowering the tiny streets and I definitely don't want to see 7-figure apartments being built to drawl in the wall-street crowd. I think the city needs to keep Chinatown just like it is. Please, let their be one neighborhood that doesn't revolve around money in this city! Let Chinatown be the one neighborhood that is still real!?


Could there be a sixth borough!?

Okay, so it's expensive to live in NYC, we've got that part down, but have you realized that many people who work in NYC are taking their hard earned cash outside of this very expensive city. Yes, people have been living in New Jersey, Connecticut, and Up-State New York forever, but have you heard of people moving to Philadelphia!? Philadelphia is becoming the new hot-spot! There is even talk that one day Philadelphia may become NYC's sixth borough! Already, Bucks county, which is in PA was once a suburb of Philly, and it still is, but it is also considered a suburb of NYC! How is that even possible, it is pretty crazy to think that a county in PA could qualify as a suburb of NYC! It is mind boggling to me.

So you see, changes have already began and the real estate market in Philly is going crazy. Everywhere you look they are building beautiful fancy new buildings. They are expensive, but not nearly as expensive as NYC prices. More and more people are taking their money to smaller cities like Philly because you can get so much more for your money! And why not, it is a longer commute, but everything is cheaper! From housing to food shopping. It might just be worth the trip. There is even talk that in the future their might be new trains that can get you from Philly to NYC in 45 minutes. Now, this is all talk and speculation, but it all seems very possible. Can you image? I think this concept is so interesting, it seems that NYC just keeps getting bigger and bigger! I just hope that the Philly prices stay where they are.

Check out this cool link: Philly as the 6th borough


Living in NYC on 24K!!!!

This time next year, I will be done with college and out in the real world, for real, I hope, but one of my biggest concerns is how I'm going to do it. In the industry that I want to work in, the entry-level jobs pay horrible! You might as well be unemployed! I want to work in the fashion industry for either a magazine or doing in-house public relations, but none of these jobs pays. From what I have heard, these types of jobs pay from $20K to $28K if you're lucky! Well, I am not looking forward to that; some of the jobs at certain magazines don't even offer benefits. How in the world will you be able to pay for doctor bills without any insurance on $24K a year salary, let alone pay to live in NYC??!!

From the comments posted, it seems like most of you are in a similar position as I am a college student who has an internship and is on the brinks of graduating, well what are we going to do ?

If the average cost of a studio apartment in Manhattan is around $1400.00 a month and that is for an extremely average apt., I'm talking shower in the kitchen! But, if you scored a job making $24K a year, your probably going to end up taking home about $18K after all of the taxes, which leaves you with about $1200.00 after you poured your entire salary into your rent! You're left trying to stretch out for food, clothes, and bills, etc... for the whole entire year! Obviously, no one could really live like that because $1200.00 would not cover all of the essentials for a whole year in NYC! But, let's just say, for fun, well, it probably wouldn't be fun, but let's say you lived in Raleigh, NC and paid rent for a studio there also making around $24K. Studios aren't even a common thing in a city like Raleigh, but you could pick one up for about $500-$600.00 per month. Which means after paying your rent for the entire year, you would have about $12K left, which is at least doable and much more money left over than a measly $1200.00? Well, the point is that coming home with $18K a year, or anything in the same family is going to be a struggle to survive, which is why NYC is such a big roommate city. It seems like most people I talk to live with at least two other people. Some people have four other roommates. I can't even image, I like having my space, and I live by my self now, and I like it like that, but after college my parents aren't going to support me once I'm out in the real world and it seems I might be forced into a roommate situation, but even with a roommate, it is still a difficult money pinching kind of lifestyle. Why is it so difficult to survive in this city? Is it really worth it, sometimes I think I might just have to move to a normal city, where a box of cereal doesn't cost $8!!!! I don't know if I 'm cut out for this lifestyle. Do I really want to live in a crummy shoe box apartment with three other people? Yes, it's NYC, but people are forced to live like hamsters!!

Take a look at this NYC studio...its a tight squeeze!

Also, check out this link, if you're interested in seeing base salary's for entry level fashion jobs! Just click on salary report!


To Spend or NOT to Spend!?

It is a question I am sure everyone has asked themselves at one point, or another, Should I buy this, or should I save my money for more important things, like rent or my cell phone bill? Unfortunately, if you live in New York City, it is very easy to become tempted by so many things and everything seems to involve taking your $$$$. Whether it's for drinks with friends, lunch with your roommate, a new metrocard, the latest gadget, or those killer boots you just saw in the window at Barney's. Temptation is everywhere, and it is so hard to say NO! With the sky-high cost of living in NYC, budgeting your money is a must, or else...

I have heard way too many stories of people blowing their rent money in one night at a new posh club opening, or on the latest "it" bag, but what happens when it's time to pay the bills? Where does the money come from? Do they just run back to Mommy and Daddy and beg for the money? You tell me, has this
happened to any of you? Did you surrender into temptation and blow your money on a wild and crazy night, or on material things when it was supposed to pay your cable and electric bill? There has to be a line drawn somewhere and living in NYC requires discipline. Where do you draw the line? Rent...or...Chanel??



Welcome to my blog! This is a space where you can communicate freely about your thoughts, feelings, and ideas as long as it relates to the matter at hand, which is centered around NYC and finding, or rather figuring out ways to live, work, and play in a city this expensive!

Topics open for discussion will include rent prices and just the cost of living in the "big apple" in general. How do others manage? Where do they live? How are you supposed to budget your money? These are all important questions that most New Yorkers have to face, so it's important that it's addressed and talked about openly because each individual has different ideas and suggestions that can help in the quest of surviving financially in such a massive and expensive city! Through our conversation, I'm curious to hear from others if they think the sacrifice of living with four roommates and working 60+ hours a week is worth it, or is there a time when enough is enough?